In 2003, Japanese scientists sent Hayabusa on a mission ring back seil samples from Itokawa, a tiny asterold 300 million kilometers away. This was an almost impossible.
The Hayabusa Projeet was very ambitious. JAXA set very difficult goals for the mission: developing ion engines, developing an autonomous navigation system, collecting soil samples from Itokawa, and bringing them back. Since asteroids like Itokawa date from the beginning of our solar system, such samples will help solve the mysteries of our system's origin. This would be unprecedented in the history of space exploration.
Developing ion engines for space exploration was one of the most important goals, Most rocket engines use gases and liquids. An ion engine uses electric fields. Its power is so small that it can only lift a one-yen coin. Yet in space, there being no gravity and no air resistance, even a small amount of energy can be powerful.
Developing an autonomous navigation system was another goal. It takes a radio signal 16 minutes to travel 300 million kilometers between the Earth and Itokawa. In an emergency, Hayabusa could not wait for commands. It had to judge the situation and decide what to do on its own.
The other two goals were even more difficult. Itokawa is a small peanut-shaped asteroid only 535 meters long. Flying at the speed of 34 kilometers per second, Hayabusa would be trying to hit a piece of"dust" in space. This would be like hitting a one-millimeter target in Brazil from Japan. One of the scientists observed, "If Hayabusa achieves these goals, it will have done what no other spacecraft has ever done."
Getting to Itokawa was difficult, but touching down and collecting the soil samples was next to impossible. In its first attempt to land, Hayabusa was damaged, A week later, it tried again. This time it was able to land and collect the samples. Hayabusa headed home, but almost immediately fuel began to leak and its batteries began to fail. The team managed to solve these problems, but days later things got much worse. All communication with Hayabusa was cut off.
Day in and day out, the team sent a message: "Hayabusa, we are waiting for your answer. Come in, please!" But no spacecraft in history had ever been able to start communication again after such a long blackout.
Hayabusa was lost in space for 43 days. Finally it answered, but the window of opportunity for re-entry had already passed. Hayabusa had to remain in space for another three years. Later, there was a new problem: all four engines stopped. It was almost impossible for Hayabusa to return to the Earth. However, by somehow fixing the engines, the team succeeded in reactivating Hayabusa.
In June 2010, Hayabusa, badly damaged, was finally approaching the Earth. Hayabusa released the capsule with the soil samples successfully, and would soon burn up like a shooting star. It was not made to withstand the heat of re-entry―about 3,000 degrees Celsius. Kawaguchi Junichiro, manager of the Hayabusa Project, sent one last command: "Take a photo of the Earth." All the project members wanted to see what the Earth looked like to Hayabusa just before it burned up. Hayabusa tried to take the photo several times but failed. Finally, at the very last moment, it took this photo-Hayabusa's final farewell.
The capsule with its soil samples landed safely in the Australian desert on June 13, 2010.
Kawaguchi says, "Many people said the Hayabusa Project was too ambitious and that there were too many risks. I knew it was true and I have to admit that the success of the project was the result of a lot of luck. But we have always been ready to set high goals and take risks. If you want to see a long way, you have to build a high tower.
"If we can get the necessary support, we will soon be working on a new spacecraft which will go 20 to 30 times farther than Hayabusa."
In the 15th and 16th centuries, people like Magellan set out on voyages to the East in search of gold and spice. Now Kawaguchi believes we are about to enter a "New Age of Exploration" into space in search of new knowledge and resources.
Kawaguchi concludes: "We'd like to be leaders in this new age. Setting high goals means facing great difficulties. We must be strong and build good teamwork. We must not get discouraged by trouble and failure. Looking at Hayabusa's photo of the Earth, I seem to hear its voice: "Never give up! Forward into the future with hope and confidence!"
2010年7月、深刻な損傷を負ったはやぶさはついに地球に近付いていた。はやぶさは首尾よく土壌試料入りのカプセルを投下し、そして流れ星の如く燃え尽きた。本体は約3000℃の再突入の熱に耐えられなかった。はやぶさ計画の指導者であるJunichiro Kawaguchiは「地球の写真を撮れ」と最後の命令を下した。はやぶさ計画の人員全員が燃える前にはやぶさから地球がどのように見えたかを見たかった。はやぶさは数回写真を撮ろうとしたが、失敗した。最後に、最後のほんの一瞬に、はやぶさはこの写真を撮った。はやぶさの最後の別れであった。
One day, while Charles Grimaldi was going through his late mother Margaret's belongings, he found an old album with illustrated letters and cards signed "Kaka." Who were these letters from?
Charles Grimaldi called his uncle Teddy, who also had letters from Kaka. Grimaldi learned that Kaka was the nickname of his great-grandfather. His cousins also had letters from Kaka. Soon, he had over 850 letters and cards: the world's largest collection of illustrated correspondence. He decided to get it published. Princess Anne of England wrote the introduction for the book, Pictures in the Post. Some of the profits support Save the Children, an international charity.
Eight more people contacted Grimaldi to say that they also had letters from Kaka. A total of 1,200 illustrated letters and cards had been discovered.
Here is the story of Kaka and the times in which he lived-times of war, sea travel, and far life across England and colonial India.
Kaka was Henry Thornhill. Born in 1854, he was a respected army officer of the British Colonial Service in India. He had three children-Cudbert, Charlie and Madge-who all grew up in India. Madge married a naval officer and they had their first son in 1912, Teddy. Baby Teddy's attempts to say "grandpa" resulted in Hery Thornhill's nickname of "Kaka."
Kaka loved nature and had a great knowledge of Indian birds and animals, which he wanted to share with his grandchildren. In 1914, he started sending illustrated cards to Teddy, who was one and a half years old at the time. There are pictures of a number of animals, principally Mr. Hare and an elephant called Hathi, who have adventures with Teddy.
Just a few weeks before World War I broke out in 1914, the whole 'Thornhill family moved back to England, In England, the war quickly separated Kaka and Teddy, since Teddy's father was sent to work for the Navy while Kaka remained in London. Kaka continued to send cards to Teddy that featured pictures of animals, sports and inventions.
After the war ended in 1918, Teddy moved back to India with his father while Kaka remained in England. In those days, people traveled long distances by ship, and families lived apart for their education and for their work, Families wanted to be connected even though they were separated by long distances. They wrote letters, although it would take many weeks for mail to reach its destination by ship.
Kaka's letters from this period were directed to his granddaughters Margaret and Elizabeth as well as Teddy. When his grandchildren turned five, Kaka began to include longer sentences in his messages, using capital letters to help them learn to read. He wrote to them not only about the rare animals of India but also about inventions and technology. The telephone, radio, and powered flight were the pioneering technologies of the 1920's.
Teddy remembered being sent from India to England to attend boarding school when he was 10 years old. He went on to the university and then joined the Colonial Service to be stationed overseas. Kaka had few opportunities to meet his grandchildren. So he continued to write to his family members living in their separate locations across Europe and India.
The final reunion between Teddy and Kaka was in Switzerland in 1938, when Teddy was 26 years old. After this reunion, Teddy wrote in a letter to Kaka that Kaka was the best friend he had ever had. He expressed his thanks for all the love and kindness Kaka had shown him throughout his life. When World War II began in 1939, further contact between Kaka and Teddy became impossible. Kaka died in 1942 at the age of 88.
Although about 100 years have passed since Kaka began writing letters, they continue to attract readers both young and old around the world. The letters remind us that wherever we are, and in whatever times we live, the extra effort to show that we care to keep in touch makes all the difference. In an age when we can connect with friends and family instantly through e-mail, text-messaging and SNS, keeping in touch is something we take for granted. Kaka was fascinated by technology,and he would have enjoyed using the Internet as a way of staying in touch with his family across the seas. But how many electronic messages will remain as "treasures" that can be passed on to later generations? Handwritten letters have a special lasting magic that is born from the time and care taken to write and send them. Kaka's love for his family lives on through the illustrated letters that he sent to his grandchildren.
チャールズ・グリマルディは彼の叔父(伯父)テディに電話した。テディもまたKakaからの手紙を持っていた。グリマルディはKakaが彼の曽祖父のあだ名だと知った。テディの従兄もまたKakaからの手紙を持っていた。すぐに、彼は850通以上の手紙やカード、世界一の絵手紙文通集を手にした。彼はそれを出版することに決めた。イングランドのアン王女はPictures in the Postのためにその序文を書いた。利益の一部は国際チャリティー組織Save the Childrenの活動の支援に充てられた。
Sec1 | |
ambitious | 野心的な |
date | (日付を)定める(他v) |
date from~ | ~から続いている(自v) |
date to ~ | ~まで続いている |
unprecenented | 先例のない |
precedented | 前例・先例のある |
precedent | 先例、慣例 |
Sec2 | |
millimeter | ミリメートル(mm) |
observe | 観察する/気付く/述べる |
spacecraft | 探査機 |
manage to do(=succeed in doing) | ~するのに成功する/なんとかやりきる |
Sec3 | |
Day in and day out(=everyday) | 毎日 |
window | 期間 |
re-entry | 再突入 |
somehow | どういう訳か/なんとかして |
reactivate | 復活させる |
release | 自由にする→投下する |
capsule | カプセル |
successfully | 首尾よく |
withstand | 耐える |
farewell | 別れ |
Sec4 | |
conclude | 終える/結論を下す |
discourage | 落胆させる |
forward | 送る(v)、前へ(f)、前方の(a) |
correspondence | (往復の)文通 |
sea travel | 船旅 |
army officer | 陸軍将校 |
attempt | 試み(名) |
a number of~ the number of~ | 沢山の/多くの ~の数 |
apart | 離れて |
powered flight | 飛行機 |
pioneering | 先駆的な |
reunion | 再会 |
fascinated | 魅了された |